I keep noticing on social media and in real-life people being confused with spirituality and religion. It is possible to be spiritual without following a religion?
The day I’ve started to feel beautiful, energetic and happy was the day when I gave up trying to please others, look like somebody else or trying to be “perfect”.
After being wrapped in diet culture for years and being now free from prestamped beliefs, I became a detector when it comes to diet culture food rules hidden behind healthy lifestyles.
After spending most of my life on the diet culture mentality,
a couple of years ago I decided to let go of this big, heavy bag of beliefs that were planted in my brain since I was very little by society.
I feel the need to put this out in the world because I’m so tired of hearing everyone talking about how their bodies looks, how they always have to lose some weight, starting new diets that they think will finally work, and so on.
Hello everyone! I’m Claudia, italian, living between Italy and New Zealand. In this blog i want to share with you what i do to love myself everyday a bit more.