Category: DIY

Art meditation and Imbolc simple decoration

Towards the end of my pregnancy I was really tired and I didn’t feel to walk around to much. Since it was almost Imbolc day,

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Needle felted birth cockade

In Italy, when we give birth, we have the tradition of hanging a birth cockade or a birth bow outside our home door to announce the birth to the world.

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Rosehip oil benefits and Essano review

One of my favorite natural skin care products that I’ve been using on and off for a few years now, is rosehip oil.

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Diy healing balm to help with nausea.

During my first trimester of pregnancy, I did experience a lot of nausea and smells aversion. 

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Diy rose water

I always loved the smell of roses and particularly I love to use natural beauty products with this fresh smell.

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Crema Nutriente per il Viso agli Oli di Macadamia e di Zucca con Estratto di Mirtillo nero Erbolario

🌸Crema Nutriente per il Viso🌸
Agli Oli di Macadamia e di Zucca Con Estratto di Mirtillo nero

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Natural deodorant diy

Diy natural deodorant

Hello mermaids!

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Bb cream fai da te



Ciao a tutti!😊 Questa di oggi è una ricetta  semplice semplice.

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Diy face cream

Crema viso naturale

Today I will share with you this easy recipe 😊


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Crema viso idratante naturale fai da te

Crema viso naturale

Oggi condivido con voi questa ricetta facilissima 😊

Crema nutriente per il viso.

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