Be kind to yourself
March 6, 2020 EnglishEnglishMindSelf Love No responses

love yourself

The day I’ve started to feel beautiful, energetic and happy was the day when I gave up trying to please others, look like somebody else or trying to be “perfect”.

When you stop comparing yourself with what your mind thinks is good, you’ll start to really love yourself.

When you walk by the mirror, try to look in your eyes and smile at yourself, only you know who you really are. See how you are beautiful in your own way, how you are different from everyone else, and that makes you special. That makes you beautiful in your own way.

Stop judging yourself for all the mistakes you think you’ve maybe done. Give yourself a chance to love you for what you are.

The times when I find really hard to accept myself are when I’m not kind.

Every time I say something negative about myself or something I think I’ve done wrong, I feel like a punch in the stomach.

I spent lots of time during my life self negative talking.

What I’ve learned is that is not only really painful but is also totally unproductive. After saying something negative about me out loud it feels like it becomes true. Words are so powerful and we should try to learn to use them in a way that empowers us and other people.

Now every time I’m about to talk rudely to myself I pause for a moment and I try to say the opposite of what I was about to say.

Here are some of the things I’ve been doing in order to be more kind:

-First thing I do when I notice that in my mind I start formulating negative judgments, I imagine talking back to myself, but in a kind way. I don’t think that there’s someone in the world that doesn’t have a negative talking voice in the mind that sees the negative sides of things. Even if not all the time, but there is a little voice in our minds trying to complicate things. But the thing is that it is just a voice, and it lies, practically all the time. I’m learning to talk back to this voice or to not listen at all.

-When I see my reflection somewhere I throw a random compliment to me. It can seem nothing but is really powerful. You can say it in your mind or you can say it out loud, which is even more powerful. It doesn’t have to be appearance-related, it can be as simple as: “You are stronger than you think!”, “Is going to be okay!”, “Today you are glowing!”. In the beginning, it feels weird, but after a short while, it will sound truer.

-I’m trying to accept other’s compliments, instead of minimizing. I simply say thank you. I’ve realized that most of the time I’ve always been kind of reluctant to accept compliments. If the compliment is genuine is totally fine to just say thank you, and the other person will be so happy to please you, just as much as you are happy when you compliment someone else.

-I try to talk to myself as I was talking to my favorite person in the world. Sometimes I’ve been so rude to myself, and now, thinking about it is absolutely not ok. It is not helpful, is harmful. I would never ever talk like that to someone I care about, to someone I love. So why do it to me?

Sometimes being kind to myself can simply mean to let me rest and do fewer things, accepting the feeling of the moment, and just be.

Thank you so much for stopping by taking the time to read. Have you experienced negative talking? Are you being able to manage it in some way? Let me know in the comments, I would love to hear it.





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