Freeing myself from limiting beliefs.
February 21, 2020 EnglishEnglishMindSelf Love No responses

limiting beliefs

After being wrapped in diet culture for years and being now free from prestamped beliefs, I became a detector when it comes to diet culture food rules hidden behind healthy lifestyles.

I have many diet culture myths that I would love to talk about and I’m going to share them with you in various articles, all things which at some point in my life i did believe were true.

The most important thing I learned, that for many can be obvious, but for me, it wasn’t, is that you cannot base your beliefs around documentaries or books. Anyone can write a book and anyone can make a documentary. The contents shared on some documentaries and on some books are mostly based on the creator’s beliefs and they often share only their truth.

Are you really want to live a life based on other truths and beliefs?

I have noticed that when I’m really passionate about something, I tend to only look upon notions that support my beliefs in those particular topics. I used to get so attached to my beliefs that I didn’t want to hear different opinions. That because inside I knew that I could’ve found something that makes me question my own truths.

For every truth you find, you will find someone with the opposite truth of your one.

Now I consider myself free, free from standards, free from beliefs. Whatever I encounter now I always ask myself: “who are these people? Where did they learn their knowledge from? What measure they use to base their beliefs?” I found that often time people that made me question my own ways of living were people who based their beliefs on videos found online or from books written without solid researches.

Now every time I see something or someone preaching about anything that seems like gold, I take ten steps back and I start asking myself questions and i start doing my own researches about that topic in order to find my truth.

Last, but really important, and usually I’m using it as a first immediate step to take in anything is my intuition. That feeling inside that makes you question anything in the first place. That instinct is right, most of the time. Nothing else and nobody else will ever replace your own primal intuition.

This can be pretty much a good start on expressing the first things that changed since I freed myself from limiting beliefs.

I will share more things in which I disagree around society standards and on diet mentality in general.

Thank you for reading my point of view on this topic, I would love to hear if you too have been hooked by the beliefs of others at some point in your life, and how did you manage to find your way back to yourself.



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