Why and how I use cards for readings
August 2, 2021 EnglishMind No responses

When I was younger I’ve always thought that fortune tellers reading cards should’ve had some sorts of powers in order to do so.

Well, this is in part true. Let me explain; in order to read cards or any kind of divination tools it is best to be able to channel energies, and to be already open with mind and body on feeling what usually everyday people don’t notice. There also is a lot of study to do in order to properly read tarots.

What I feel working for myself, like in everything I do, is to follow my intuition a lot on reading any sort of cards.

When you mention cartomancy lots of people think is nonsense and magical, and because they don’t believe in magic, they don’t believe in cards readings too. Well, you can, actually, use tarots and oracle even if you don’t believe in anything.

There are two main ways on how I use tarots and oracle decks.

The first one is that most of the time I use cards as a tool for reading my own self, I’m not reading the cards, but the cards are reading me, or the person I’m doing them for. I think that we release energies and depending on what we are going through can reflect on the cards we pick. This is a great way to read inside ourselves and to think about what may be the underlaid situation to look into.

Another way I use the cartomancy is to see the cards I pick as an input, using the meaning of the card I’ve picked to think about on what it may be a good advice to follow in my everyday life, or to simply using the meaning of the card and elaborating it with anything I’m dealing with during that time, good or bad.

One thing I believe is also that whatever tool you are using, for you or the person you are reading for, it can feel your energies, so that depending on what are you feeling you will may going to pick a card who reveals what you are experiencing during that moment, and you can meditate on that meaning.

I will tell you an example; when I bought my Rider Waite tarot deck I was going through a bit of a rough period, so every time I was trying to use this deck I would mostly pick nasty cards; so often that at some point I thought it was an evil deck and I hid it away, planning also to get rid of him.

Well, now it’s my favourite tarot deck, after a while I’ve started using it again, and it started to give me a more balanced readings. I’m glad that I had decided to keep it and I still using it most of the time.

This is how I usually practice cartomancy, and I think it’s a great way to get out of your usual thinking, and a new way to start, with the help of the cards meanings, on reading more into your hidden thoughts.

There are many other ways to use tarot and oracle decks, but I wanted to share how it also a useful tool to keep without having to believe in magick, or dancing naked in the woods during a full moon, but this is another story.

Thank you for reading, feel free to ask me anything related in the comments section.




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