Art meditation and Imbolc simple decoration
April 5, 2021 DIYEnglish No responses

Towards the end of my pregnancy I was really tired and I didn’t feel to walk around to much. Since it was almost Imbolc day,

instead of picking flowers I decided to draw and paint them and to use the draw as a decoration.

I’m not use to draw things from nature, usually I’m more keen to draw fantasy characters, but I can tell that I really enjoyed to paint this flowers. It was relaxing and a meditation like process. I’m not a professionst , but I liked the result and the idea of bringing nature inside the house by hanging drawings.

I shared the speed painting vlog, you can find it on this link:

Sometimes simple home made things can decorate the house in a warm and familiar way that you cannot reach by always buy everything.

The making of this easy paint was really relaxing for me. I will definitely try to incorporate the use of art as a form of meditation again from now on.

I hope you like the idea of decorate with drawings for your holidays.



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