Two years without working out.
February 19, 2020 EnglishEnglishMindSelf Love No responses

After a couple of years’ break from exercising, I tried to working out again. Did it work?

I’ve always thought about working out in relation to losing weight/staying skinny, and that’s why I’ve stopped exercising for this long time. This break was very much needed for my body and mind to reset and recover from all the wrong beliefs, along with no dieting.

During those two years, I’ve tried multiples times to exercise, but it always ended up by switching my mind on the diet mentality and on focusing on body appearance, so I’ve always stopped;

but last time I’ve tried I was feeling that something was changed, I was doing it to feel strong, I wasn’t thinking about how my body would’ve changed if stayed consistent on working out, or that I had to stop eating my favourites foods to see results. This time was different, I felt incredible.

Everybody is different, and I have noticed that if I don’t move enough I tend to feel more depressed, more tired, and less creative, but I knew it was so necessary this break. I’m so happy I did it, if I wouldn’t have to stop exercising with those beliefs I would’ve never had experienced the joy of working out for the purpose to feel amazing.

I didn’t care if I skipped a workout, I didn’t know about how long my workout lasted, I didn’t care if after a workout I sat down and eat a bag of crisps, the only thing I cared about was that I felt good when I moved my body.

Everything was going great, but at some point without even realizing it, I started to push myself on exercise a bit longer, and then more days a week, then I started to plan my workouts, even if this time I didn’t care about losing weight or being lean I was focusing on getting stronger, so more weights.

In a month I was overexercising again.

Luckily the two years of non-dieting and not exercising worthed the fact that I immediately missed the freedom of those days. I stopped exercising again.

I’m not telling that everyone has these behaviors, but what I can tell for myself for sure is that having had previously experienced overexercising in order to stay lean all the time and addiction to diets mentality I’m definitely more inclined to get into this, easier than others. So if you, like me, have had this kind of mentality for years and then you recovered and you aren’t currently exercising, if you feel that you want to start working out again think about it properly and check with yourself, to not get triggered again into old habits.

I’m so happy that I stopped in time and that I didn’t restricted foods during that month. Doesn’t matter why, but my brain got into these things too easily, if it’s not being lean is the bigger butt, if it’s not dieting is having a healthy lifestyle, and so on. Better listen to me and be free.

Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time for reading! Let me know in the comments if you have ever experienced something similar, if you have stopped exercising for a long time during recovery, and if you have started to move a little bit again. I would love to hear about your experience.

Take care xoxo


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