Why and how I use cards for readings

When I was younger I’ve always thought that fortune tellers reading cards should’ve had some sorts of powers in order to do so.

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Art meditation and Imbolc simple decoration

Towards the end of my pregnancy I was really tired and I didn’t feel to walk around to much. Since it was almost Imbolc day,

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Needle felted birth cockade

In Italy, when we give birth, we have the tradition of hanging a birth cockade or a birth bow outside our home door to announce the birth to the world.

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Rosehip oil benefits and Essano review

One of my favorite natural skin care products that I’ve been using on and off for a few years now, is rosehip oil.

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Psychic Circle spirit board by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber

Since I was a child I’ve always felt surrounded by a variety of energies and presences in different planes of existence

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Being spiritual vs being religious

I keep noticing on social media and in real-life people being confused with spirituality and religion. It is possible to be spiritual without following a religion?

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Traits of an empath aren’t strict

Hello everyone,

It’s been a while now that I wish to express what I think about the “traits of an empath”.

I really need to clarify this,

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Shaman Wisdom Cards by Leita Richesson

I have this deck for quite a while now, and I can tell you that it always surprises me in positive ways when I use it.

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What helped me with the first trimester of pregnancy symptoms


if you stumbled on my article you’re probably looking for how to manage to survive these first three months of your pregnancy. 

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Diy healing balm to help with nausea.

During my first trimester of pregnancy, I did experience a lot of nausea and smells aversion. 

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